Annual Transportation Survey Services
Average Vehicle Ridership (AVR) Calculation Services
Annual ECRP Plan Development/Assistance
Rideshare Program Development and Implementation
On-Site ETC duties
On-Site Rideshare Program Marketing/Implementation
Rule 2202 Compliance Assistance
All Rule 2202 Plans and Submittals
City of Santa Monica TDM Ordinance 1604 - ETRP
ETC Training (New and Advanced)
Certified Marketing Workshops
Rideshare Program/Plan Assessment
Ridematching Software Management
New Client Acquisition
Incentive Program Development and Implementation
Social Media Rideshare Campaigns
Commuter Call Center
On-Site Rideshare Presentations
Guaranteed Ride Home Program Administration
City Mandated Trip/Emission Reduction Plan Development
ITS provides expert consulting services to companies who are mandated to comply with South Coast Air Quality Management District's (SCAQMD's) Rule 2202. We are the compliance experts with Rule 2202 and rideshare program development since 1995. Our reputation is unparalleled in the industry, with access to the best resources available to meet all of your compliance needs. Regardless of which Rule 2202 compliance option you select, we will help you save time and costs, while providing you with the assistance you need to maintain your compliance.
ITS has been providing transportation survey services since 2002, when our survey and AVR calculation process first became certified by SCAQMD. To date, ITS has processed 3,887,246 surveys, produced 1,018,943 ridematches, and calculated 10,515 AVRs for employer clients.
Fields of Expertise:

Our TDM Team
ITS employs 10 associates with 200 years of collective Transportation Demand Management experience.

TDM Solutions Manager

Client Services Manager

Office Manager

Compliance/Training Specialist

TDM Solutions Manager

Senior TDM Solutions Coordinator

TDM Solutions Specialist

TDM Solutions Coordinator
“I have worked with ITS and used their services for over 9 years. I have always found their work product to be exceptional, accurate and timely. They have assisted with ensuring we have complied with AQMD’s Rule 2202 offering insightful suggestions to help us meet rule requirements. I would highly recommend ITS to any company looking to engage an expert in Rule 2202 compliance or transportation demand management services.”
Jay Vecchione | Experian | ETC
Consult Us
No other private TDM consulting firm has the depth and breadth of experience that ITS brings to the table.
Please contact us if you would like more information about our services, projects or expertise.
For the past 28 years, ITS has successfully managed
award winning rideshare programs.
While TDM has had a difficult history in demonstrating measurable results, ITS has developed and managed projects that have received 17 local, regional and nationally recognized awards.